You Can Dictate The Atmosphere Around You
Are you a thermometer or a thermostat?
You may wonder what in the world I am talking about, so let me explain.
Do you believe that you can dictate the atmosphere around you? Many people don’t. They think that life deals you a hand of cards and you have to just live with whatever happens.
This is not true.
Today I want you to identify whether or not you are a thermometer or a thermostat – THEN I want you to make the decision to once and for all be what you were designed to be.
We all know what a thermometer does. Wherever you put one of these handy devices, it will comform to the surroundings it is in and it will tell you what the temperature is. A thermostat is slightly different. A thermostat is what you program to create a desired atmosphere. If it’s 15F degrees outside, you will probably set your thermostat in your house around 68F – 72F. You want to change the natural atmosphere and warm it up a bit.
So, when you think of those two items, which would you rather be? A thermometer that conforms to it’s surroundings, or a thermostat that sets and dictates its surroundings.
Hopefully you said, thermostat!
We should all strive to be thermostats every day of our lives. In our homes, businesses, at church, in the store, in school, etc. We don’t have to allow our surroundings to change how we feel or what we do or how we respond. We need to be the ones who create the atmosphere we are surrounded by, which can over-ride everything else around you. Just because you were surrounded by cranky and mean people all day does not mean you need to be mean and cranky. YOU can choose to respond differently and CHOOSE to be happy in the midst of everyone else’s negative attitudes.
Don’t say it’s not possible! It may not always be easy and it may take some time to adjust to new habits, but it’s not impossible.
So, what are ways we can be thermostats in our lives, instead of thermometers that leave us swaying back and forth depending on the circumstances around you.
1. Watch your thoughts! If you find yourself thinking negative and draining thoughts, stop them! Say out loud, “That’s not my thought and I refuse to think that!” Then choose to think of the opposite. For example: if the thought is always coming to you that you will never succeed in life and you are destined to be a nobody, then what you do is say OUTLOUD, “I am destined for great things in life! I have the ability to be succesful and I will make an impact on this world!” No matter what you do, don’t skip this step just because you think it’s silly to say those things outloud! Don’t get robbed of a great life, because you think talking to yourself is weird. Besides, you do it all the time. You talk to your computer when it doesn’t work (example: “You stupid thing – just work!”). You talk to traffic when nobody is moving on the highway (example: “Come on, are you kidding me? Move people!”). Are you getting the point? You talk outloud to yourself and your situations all the time, now you just need to do it in a positive manner. (2 Corinthians 10:5)
2. Change the image on the inside of you! This goes along with number one, but it’s definitely different. We need to change how we see ourselves, what we think of ourselves, what we think of the world, what our focuses are and so much more. It’s important that you think well of yourself and that you love yourself. If you don’t do this – you will never be able to love anyone or anything else in life. This will involve getting rid of negative thought patterns about yourself that you may have. This will also include finding value and worth in yourself, just because you are you. Not defined by your job, your clothing size, the number on the scale, the car you drive, the neighborhood you live in – but instead defined that you are YOU! You also need to change how you view life, in general. If you have a terrible outlook on life and have a “woe is me” attitude, this will definitely affect how you act. Start finding beauty in your everyday life. Stop looking at everything as an obstacle or crossroad. Stop, look around, breath and listen. Be quiet for a little bit and be present in your life – stop rushing through each day. Doing this can seriously change the image on the inside and will allow us to move forward with a more positive attitude. (Romans 12:2)
3. Focus on bringing life to others. When you can encourage and uplift people EVERYDAY, this will bring joy to you. Our words should encourage, edify and uplift people. Never should they tear somebody down. Even if you feel they deserve a piece of your mind – keep your mouth shut! Whenever you open your mouth to talk, make sure what you are saying will bring life to yourself or the people around you. Even a smile, good posture and sincerity can make people happy and make their day so much better. When we understand that people have value, then we will begin to treat them better. It doesn’t matter how someone may treat you, CHOOSE to take the high road and respond in a way that will leave an impact on them. Respond in love, kindess and respect. Is it always easy? No. But you can’t live life only by doing easy things. It’s good to challenge ourselves and expect more. You should have higher standards for yourself. (1Thessalonions 5:11)
These may seem like 3 small steps – but they are impacting and sometimes challenging. Most importantly, they will help shift you from being a thermometer to being a thermostat! Who wouldn’t want that? Start today making these changes in your life so you can enjoy each and everyday. Remember that you don’t have to deal with whatever is thrown at you. Get up and stand up for your life! Do something about the direction it’s taking and make yoru life a life worth living.
xo Kari
2 Corinthians 10:5, The VOICE
“We are demolishing arguments and ideas, every high-and-mighty philosophy that pits itself against the knowledge of the one true God. We are taking prisoners of every thought, every emotion, and subduing them into obedience to the Anointed One.”
Romans 12:2, New Living Translation
“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”
1Thessalonions 5:11, New Living Translation
“So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.”