Hormone Balancing Herbal Tincture, 2 oz


Herbal tinctures are wonderful natural remedies for various health issues or preventative care. Ours are small-batch and made with love!

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Balance | Hormone Herbal Tincture
2 oz

This tincture contains: kosher sarsparilla, organic black cohosh, organic licorice root, organic chaste berries, organic blessed thistle, organic lobelia, 6x distilled vodka

This is a wonderful tincture to help assist balance hormones in women, and is especially helpful during pregnancy to help with symptoms that can often arise such as: nausea, muscle cramps and pains, intense food cravings, headaches, mood swings, etc.

Herbal tinctures are an absolutely wonderful natural remedy and prevention method for a healthy life. Tinctures are concentrated herbal/floral/root extracts made from the many parts of plants (leaves, blossoms, berries, bark, roots, flowers, petals) that have been steeped in an alcohol, vinegar, or glycerine menstruum for anywhere from 4-6 weeks. The menstruum pulls out the nutrients within these plants, is strained and bottled for use. Due to the high concentration, very little is needed to be effective, and each serving is packed with so much nutritional value, among other properties (such as anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-spasmodic, etc.)

I believe adding tinctures to your wellness cabinet is a great addition to any healthy regimen. For maintenance or chronic issues, I suggest taking 1-2 droppers full, three times a day, up to 6 days a week, for 4-6 weeks. Take 1-2 weeks off, then resume with the same schedule. If you have an acute issue, take 1-2 droppers full up to 5 times a day until symptoms go away.

It is best to take tinctures with a meal, since it will be less likely to cause an upset stomach if you have food in your stomach, and the nutrients are more likely to be absorbed this way as well.

If you are concerned about the alcohol content in tinctures, you can place your drops in a small amount of hot water or tea before taking them and the alcohol will dissipate very rapidly. They say it will eliminate almost all of the alcohol this way. But also know that the amount of alcohol taken in 1-2 droppers full is less than what you will have when you use a real vanilla extract in your baking.

These are safe for children over the age of 2, but if you are concerned with the alcohol, use the method above before giving drops to kids. You can also use a glycerite tincture, which is safe for children as well.

These herbal tinctures have an indefinite shelf life. Keep out of direct light and in a cool place.

***Although herbs/roots/berries/seeds/florals are all natural, and amazing, please use caution when consuming these ingredients. Always make sure you know what you can consume in relation to your current state of health. Know which herbs you cannot ingest if you are taking over the counter or prescription medication.

*** These statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to treat, cure, diagnose, or prevent any disease and is for informational use only.

Additional information

Weight 3 oz
Dimensions 6 × 4 × 3 in


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